The Bachelor of Animation and Multimedia is a comprehensive undergraduate program centered on crafting animated content and multimedia assets for diverse industries including film, television, gaming, advertising, and web development. Spanning three to four years, this program imparts students with in-depth knowledge of animation principles, digital media production, and multimedia design, preparing them for dynamic roles in the ever-evolving creative landscape.
Eligibility Criteria
12th pass with any subject.
Admission rules
Admissions in the course will be done on a Merit-basis, based on the marks achieved in the last qualifying exam and as per the eligibility criteria. Scholarships are also available for meritorious students and for those in need of financial aid.
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Curriculum Details
Click on the link below to view the course description and course outcomes
Unleash a spectrum of career opportunities in India post-Bachelor of Animation and Multimedia (BAM) degree from Madhyanchal Professional University. Craft captivating content for films, TV and ads in animation studios. Join the gaming industry as a game developer or animator. Explore roles in film and television production, contributing to animated films, TV shows, and visual effects. Collaborate with advertising agencies on multimedia campaigns. Enhance web development projects with interactive multimedia elements. Specialize as a 2D or 3D animator, creating stunning visuals across diverse media platforms.