Why to Choose Pharmacy as Profession
Objective of this write-up is to get connected with the budding pharmacy students and to share my thoughts toward profession of pharmacy.
Pharmacy is the backbone of health care system that links the chemical science with the health sciences.
The professionals of this field are recognized as pharmacists.
Medicines today have great power to heal and to improve the quality of life for millions of Peoples. But medicines also may do serious harm if not taken correctly. The pharmacist is a key health care professional in helping people achieve the best results from their medications. Thus every patient should choose the best pharmacist as carefully as he chooses the best physician.
Pharmacists who know their patients and have their medication profiles on file will be aware of possible harmful drug interactions or allergies to certain drugs. The pharmacist also will be able to discuss possible side effects; what foods, drinks, or activities that should be avoided while on a medication; what to do if you miss a dose; and a wide range of other helpful information.
Patel College of Pharmacy is the first institute in pharmaceutical sciences of Central India with a proclaimed objective of becoming a centre of excellence for advanced studies and research in pharmacy with the only mission of Imparting Quality Education.
Dr. Shailesh Jain
Principal, Patel College of Pharmacy