Submit Your Post

By posting this article you acknowledge that you have read the terms and conditions, that you understand them, and you agree with them.

  • You must be a student/faculty member of MPU in order to post an article.
  • Only articles written in English language are accepted for publication.
  • Any article submitted by you should be at least 500 words, and a maximum of 5000 words. Longer articles should not be submitted online and should be emailed to us on We reserve the right to publish longer posts in our blog section.
  • The language used should be simple and clean. When you submit a post you must also ensure that the article is not derogatory / defamatory in nature and does not hurt the sentiments of any individual, community or organisation.
  • The content must be suitable for all audiences. No sexually explicit content is allowed. The language used must be clean and free of any profanity or abusive terms. It must be relevant.
  • To publish or reject the submitted post / article / images is the sole discretion of our editorial team. We reserve the right to accept or reject any post without assigning any reasons thereof.
  • The article/post that you wish to submit must be your own original work based on your knowledge & experience. We are strictly against plagiarism and will not publish anything that fails the copyright test or any similar plagiarism checks. When you submit a post you are certifying that it is your own original work. By submitting accompanying images you also certify that you are the absolute owner of the images and own their copyrights, and that you are not infringing upon any other person / organisation’s copyrights.
  • The articles should not be written for the purpose of surrogate advertising of any product or services. While inclusions for external sources are allowed, the articles should not written for the sole purpose of creating SEO back-links to other sites or services. Such articles will not be published.
  • Any third-party content quoted by you within the scope of your written work must carry due attribution and also the link to the original work from where the text is reproduced.
  • Our editors reserve the right to make editorial changes / improvements in the submitted work.
Post ID - YOHE988